GIV - Gruppo Italiano Vini


Tenuta Rapitalà is a prestigious Sicilian winery with a long tradition of respect and passion for the territory. In fact, the winery has played a key role in revitalizing the island’s winemaking industry.

To enhance the perception of its most representative wine ranges, the winery wanted to communicate its relationship with the territory more distinctively.

brand identity, product architecture, packaging system

However, many of Rapitalà’s competitors have already capitalized on the evocative nature of Sicily for their communications to benefit from the positive values universally recognized in this unique island.

We asked ourselves how could we create a unique visual storytelling for Rapitalà that could express its Sicilian roots in a proprietary way.

We found the answer in the brand:

Sicily’s essence lies in its diversity and synergic layers of cultural, traditional, stylistic, and natural heritage. Rapitalà not only benefits from this but has actively contributed to it, bringing positive changes to the culture, territory, and oenology of the island. These changes are now part of the heritage of, not just Rapitalà, but the entire island.

The brand’s story is so intertwined with that of Sicily that Sicily itself has been transformed as a result.

Our design strategy for Rapitalà centres on creating a unique and distinct identity by incorporating traditional Sicilian patterns and iconographies. Along with these elements, we added distinct features that showcase love for the territory and are inspired by the beauty of Rapitalà (whose name is derived from the “Garden of Allah”).

The result is a collage that creates a new pattern, clearly Sicilian but unique to the brand, with a technique that is itself a melting pot of images and styles.

The stratification and synergy concept lends itself to expressing the unique personality of each wine on-shelf, creating a strong visual impact which unifies the range.

We used the same approach for the launch of the Super HoReCa line of wines but with a more contemporary and elegant touch. The label was transformed into a canvas of Sicilian iconographies, incorporating layers of colour and expressive brushstrokes to create a synergy of vines, terroir and emotions which represent a range of wines with strong personality and style.

Excited? To find out more about this project or others send us an email and we will be happy to tell you more about it.
