Novembre 15, 2023
Smith Lumen and This Unique: Together to overcome the taboo of Menstruation
Novembre 9, 2023
Our design for TOM GIN – THE SECRET EDITION wins the prestigious Red Dot Award…
Ottobre 23, 2023
The most important packaging design event of the year is coming to Milan this…
Settembre 25, 2023
"Companies shouldn’t be searching for creativity alone, they should be looking…
Luglio 28, 2023
Drew Smith, founder of Smith Lumen, writes an article for Touchpoint magazine…
Luglio 20, 2023
Smith Lumen vince il premio nella categoria PACKAGING FOOD & BEVERAGE alla…
Luglio 12, 2023
Ai Touchpoint Days, Laura Buraschi intervista il fondatore di Smith Lumen…
Settembre 22, 2021
Few things in the natural world are as dramatic and captivating as a lava flow.
Settembre 15, 2021
The “innovation incubator” for global creatives will kick off with a limited…
Maggio 1, 2021
Few brands had been loved so much by so many for so long but it was time for a…
Aprile 21, 2021
Forget about the pandemic and global warming, the real challenge facing…
Marzo 1, 2021
Covid may have disrupted the way we do business but that’s not necessarily a…
Dicembre 27, 2020
Time to sing Auld Lang Sang, count our blessings and finally move on to a new…
Novembre 8, 2020
Fellow Deadheads will recognise the title but for the rest of you this is…
Ottobre 5, 2020
Inspiration often comes from unexpected places, but maybe not on Zoom
Agosto 30, 2020
As they say on the south side of Trump’s wall, “Vivir con miedo es como vivir a…
Luglio 11, 2020
These have been challenging times, except for those that profited from it
Giugno 16, 2020
Take care of your people and the profits will take care of themselves
Maggio 6, 2020
If you need to ask consumers how to grow your brand, you shouldn’t be in…
Aprile 21, 2020
The inferiority complex of a brand identity designer
Marzo 28, 2020
David Ogilvy once famously said “The consumer isn’t a moron, it’s your wife”.…